
The New Green Fashion Trend

It's 2010, the first year of a brand new decade. Go beyond your typical spring cleaning routine with projects that repurpose things you already own. You'll revitalize the style of your whole living space - and your own spirit - and carry a new, fun spin on life into the Summer months and beyond. After months of being inside Laptop Keyboards and avoiding the dark, cold winter, it's exactly the right time to try to find ways to bring spring's sense of freshness and renewal into our daily lives.Focus your attention on that closet that you only open to put things into. You know that it's full of things you don't use, and probably never will again, but just cannot get yourself geared up to get rid of them. Think of it as urban Rhinestones mining and these items are gold nuggets. You can take all this stuff apart and put it back together in creative ways that will repurpose everything for another season. This is not only a terrific way to be green this Spring, but it's also a very practical way to stay on a tight budget and still be coming out with a few new wardrobe ideas.Old jewelry is the perfect platform to display a little creativity and turn your forgettables into wearable art. Instead of passing by that neighborhood craft store turn in and take a look around. Chances are that they already have a dozen project ideas and can show you before and after photos of some of the things that people have already done with their closet classics.Scan the fashion magazines for ideas. Recycling and repurposing are "in" even among top designers and who knows, maybe you will be ahead of the curve for what could turn out to be one of the hottest fashion trends for the new decade. And do not limit yourself to jewelry either. Who says that an old skirt made with PS3 Cable a fabulous fabric cannot have a new life as a fringed scarf?

